Tuesday, February 24, 2009


i have a bunch of random pictures in my ohone and i figured while blogging i'd show you guys what's up with me and blog about them :)

okay so my tattoo is all healed and done with the scabbing!
i havent gone back YET to get it retouched...but that will come soon.

my new obsession is hookah :)
its kinda like flavored tabaccoo....you smoke through the hoses..
its really cool :)
the picture above is at a glow in the dark hookah bar in tempe.
they are really common. my friends actually have some hookah's too.
so we sit outside and smoke hookah and talk.

(well second, next to a supra).
and yes right next to the exaust it says YOU GOT SMOKED!
hahahah. its amazzzinnnggg.
it was at the parking lot in fashion square.

mmmkay on to more important things..
1. im really excited about moving in with cara and rob this week :)
i think its going to be really good and different for all 3 of us.

2. i started eating meat. its crazy. i can really only eat mexican food though...like beef stuff..
haha in n out is pretty good though. lollll.

3. i am growing out my nails...havent biten them in over a month..they are as long as my fingers.

4. i took a day trip with my good friend mowweee (benito) to flagstaff!!
i was with him the night before in chandler with like ten boys all smoking hookah and chilling till like midnight..so didnt get to bed till 2...then work up at 4:30 to get ready..we were both crazy tired...

we left at 7 in the morning, in his amazzinnggg car :)

(2008 mitubishi lancer gts) <3
drove up to sedona..walked around for like a half hour...got back in the car..drove to flagstaff..got dennys..took an hour long nap in the car...and then played in the snow :)
luckily it wasnt too cold..we sat right in the sun..after about 2 hours we headed back to chadler where he lived. met a bunch of people...smoked hookah...and then me and 3 of the boys chilled in cara's hot tub!
it was a really fun day :)

well thats all i can think of to update the family about... :)

Monday, February 2, 2009

neglecting blogspot....

seems to be running in the family.hahah.
i KNOW there has been SOMETHING to blog about going on!
no one writes anything when no one posts..so i thought i'd be cool and START the trend!

hmmm today was crazy!!
it was inventory day at work...
15 people scanning merchandise for 10 1/2 hours..
not only did we have to scan, but audit 10 % as well...
lots of work :)
but hey....there was yummmy brownies, and earningg mucho skrilla (skrilla=money in gangsta talk)
so who can complain!!

oh and then me and cara went to the dog park tonight and chloe was being cute and brave and playing with the big dogs, while phillipe on the other hand was attached to cara's feet the whole night....scaredy cat! hah.

ohhh anddddddd thennnn i spent forever cleaning my room, doing laundry right now, listening to my new playlist..that i love with all my heart. :)

life has been crazy lately..but in a good way. i am always either with friends or at work... its a nice change of pace :)
really good! hhaha.
speaking of work...they told me i am not going to be seasonal and they are going to keep me on..but i dont have enough hours and not enough of a constant schedual to get a second job so imma have to start looking at other places this week! ahhh.
a less strict dress code would be nice..hah ;)

hmm my tattoo has scabbed up and healed! its doing really well and imma have to go back to the shop soon to get it touched up since the scabbing made some of the ink fall off...

my new obsession is driving, i am constantly driving and i can not get ENOUGH! i always want to drive..in fact i offered to drive grandma and bryan all the way to peoria just to drive.. its so nice and relaxing...
i know the whole obsession with constantly driving will soon fade... but till then..its my favorite thing in the world right now :)

and thats literally all thats going on right now..!
all that i can think of at least.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

lot's of laughs.


it's been a few days.

Arizona has been amazinggggg, and perfect :)
I can still only drive to the mall, cara's, and central and back, but its all good in the hood.

only because everyone's been asking.. my job is BEYOND AMAZING! you're not allowed to stand around..ever.. I'm constantly helping people, or cleaning up the store since theres little kids all day.
The managers are so sweet, as well as the people i work with.
I am assigned to work in the front of the store as a greater and ask if anyone needs help with anything.
I sometimes answer phones, stock shelves, and use the cash register..but i'm better at greeting people....
The store is like crazy strict, but in a good way. No close toed shoes, no plain shirts, only dress slacks and solid colored shirts (black,white,navy,gray,brown).
each customer has to be greeted within 30 seconds, and the phone should be answered by the 3rd ring.
crazyy dude, but its cool.

spending time with cara is nice as ususal, we couldn't get together tonight so we are going to try for thing weekend but i work 1-10 fri and sat, and 11-6 i think on sunday, then ada's birthday party.

i've been so busy and have hardly eaten in a week, but...

life seems to finally be getting good :)

Thursday, December 11, 2008


woke up LATEEE, spent too long getting ready, drove to pavillions with grandpa and got 2 of tires on the bug replaced!
aka. grandpa dealt with everything while i sat in my friend's AMAZINGGGGGLYYY hotttttt car listening to lil wayne.
went on a walk untill my toenail started bleeding :/

then spent the afternoon/night with cara!! we watched a funny comedy about a dysfuctional married couple, and ate grilled cheese, potatos,and tomato soup.

ahhhh family.. :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

today was a good day! woke up and went to the farmers market and trader joes with uncle gordie, got some tanjerines, chard, and celery...... chilled for a while at grandma and grandpas after that. then got all dolled up and went to bryan's jrotc "banquet", went grocery shopping with cara, did some laps in the lap pool then sat in the hot tub for a while.
it was overall a pretty good day. :)
ohhh and i drove by myself in arizona for the first time tonight!!!! to cara's and back... :) yippeeee.

here is something i find quite entertaining :)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


:) i'm sooooo excited!
they told me how much an hour, but not when/ how much i will work!

training starts next week :)

Monday, December 8, 2008

bryan wanted pictures in his uniform!

i love gordon's camera

this week...

lots of stuff going on!

i love living at grandma and grandpas!
i feel part of the family sitting in the garden talking with uncle gordon :)
i love living near cara, especially since we have one night a week which is OUR night for dinner and i usually go in her hot tub after :) mmm. sounds nice right now, its kind of cold.
i love the somewhat of independence i get here having to buy my own food, and getting a job :)
i'm really hoping on getting the job at pottery barn kids at fashion square, the interview went really well and she said she would call me today or tomorrow. :)

on friday i spent most of the afternoon and night helping cara decorate cookies, pick out a tree, and "decorate" it :) it was amazing. i love their tree! i'm sure cara will post pictures soon!

last night me and gordon had a very long talk in the garden, while smoking his cigar. you know how it goes :p.

mmm, next topic!!!
i'm trying to get mom and dad to let me get a tattoo on my birthday next month!
i want "Romans 8:38-39" tatttooed on my right ring finger.
black with blue shading.
possibily in greek writing, but i want to see what it looks like first :)
" 38 For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor heavenly rulers, nor things that are present, nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."

i'm excited for the rest of the month! :) i'm hoping lots of family, friends, ada's party, and christmas (aka CHRISTA AND DANIEL).
eeeeeeeeee. did i mention how amazing arizona is...?

Favorite song for the past few days:

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